How to Get Free 100 DoFollow Backlinks for Your Website in 2024

How to Get Free 100 DoFollow Backlinks for Your Website in 2024

Acquiring high-quality backlinks for your website is crucial for improving its search engine ranking and increasing organic traffic. However, it’s important to note that in 2024, the landscape of SEO and link building practices may have evolved. Here are some general strategies that may still be effective in obtaining backlinks:

  1. Guest Blogging: Look for reputable websites or blogs in your niche that accept guest posts. Write high-quality, informative articles and include a link back to your website within the content or author bio. Make sure these websites allow dofollow links.
  2. Broken Link Building: Find websites in your niche that have broken links pointing to non-existent pages. Reach out to the webmasters and offer to replace the broken link with a link to relevant content on your website.
  3. Resource Page Link Building: Identify resource pages within your industry that list useful websites, tools, or content. Reach out to the website owners and suggest adding your website to their resource list if it provides value to their audience.
  4. Social Media Profiles: Create profiles on various social media platforms and include a link to your website. While these links may not always be dofollow, they still contribute to your online presence and can drive traffic to your site.
  5. Local Business Directories: Submit your website to reputable local business directories or industry-specific directories. Many of these directories allow you to include a link back to your website.
  6. Create Infographics or Visual Content: Develop visually appealing infographics or other types of visual content related to your niche. Distribute these graphics on social media, infographic directories, and relevant websites. Make sure to include a link back to your website in the embed code or description.
  7. Answer Questions on Q&A Platforms: Participate in Q&A platforms like Quora or Reddit and provide helpful answers to questions related to your expertise. Include a link to relevant content on your website when it adds value to your response.
  8. Monitor Brand Mentions: Set up alerts to monitor when your brand or website is mentioned online. Reach out to website owners or authors who mention your brand but don’t link to your website, and politely ask them to include a link.
  9. Create High-Quality Content: Focus on creating valuable and engaging content that naturally attracts backlinks. Content such as comprehensive guides, case studies, original research, or industry reports can be particularly effective at attracting links from other websites.

Remember, while obtaining backlinks is important for SEO, quality should always be prioritized over quantity. Focus on acquiring backlinks from authoritative and relevant websites within your niche to ensure the best results for your website’s SEO efforts. Additionally, always follow ethical and white-hat SEO practices to avoid penalties from search engines.

Getting 100 high-quality dofollow backlinks for free in 2024 is difficult, but there are strategies to build backlinks naturally. Here are some tips:

Focus on Quality Over Quantity:

  • Search engines prioritize high-quality backlinks from relevant websites.
  • Focus on creating valuable content that people want to share and link to naturally.

Content is King:

  • Publish informative, well-researched, and engaging content that establishes your expertise.
  • This makes your site a credible source that others will reference.

Engage in Online Communities:

  • Participate in relevant forums, communities, and social media groups.
  • Provide valuable insights and answer questions to build trust and organically earn backlinks.

Guest Blogging:

  • Reach out to high-authority websites in your niche and offer to write guest posts.
  • Include a link back to your site in your author bio.

Utilize Social Media:

  • Share your content on social media platforms to increase visibility and potentially attract backlinks.

Don’t Chase Dofollow Links:

  • While dofollow links are valuable, some nofollow links can still drive traffic and brand awareness.


Building backlinks takes time and effort. Focus on creating great content and building relationships within your niche to see organic growth in backlinks.

Additional Tips:

  • You can use tools like backlink checkers to monitor your backlink profile.
  • Unethical practices to get quick backlinks can hurt your website’s SEO in the long run.

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